Quality management system

The Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology (formerly the Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal) has implemented a Quality System. The compliance of the system with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard is confirmed by a certificate issued by the Polish Center for Research and Certification S.A.

The effectiveness of the Management System is monitored, analyzed and continuously improved.

The Director of the Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology announced the Quality Management System Policy. The Quality Management System Policy is documented in the Quality Manual, which is known, understood and applied in practice by all employees of the Institute. All employees are responsible for implementing the quality policy at the Institute.

The processes necessary for the proper functioning of the Quality Management System have been defined. The sequence of these processes and their mutual interaction have been established. Persons managing the processes (process leaders) have been appointed.

Appropriate resources have been provided for the proper functioning and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and the implementation of the established goals.

The basis of the activities undertaken at the Institute are: meeting the requirements of the client, the Institute’s employees and interested parties and striving to achieve customer satisfaction. This goal is achieved by:

  • constant striving to maintain the Institute’s image as a competent partner for other research and industrial organizations in Poland and abroad,
  • developing research methods and research opportunities through optimal use of modern research infrastructure,
  • maintaining research infrastructure at the highest level,
  • providing research services at the highest level, in accordance with applicable standards and legal requirements,
  • recruiting and training employees so that their skills allow them to offer high scientific, research and practical knowledge,
  • effective use of the high competences of the Institute’s employees and unique research infrastructure to offer modern solutions for industry and other research centers in Poland and abroad,
  • promoting the Institute on the domestic and foreign market by all employees

In order to ensure that the requirements of ISO 9001 are implemented and observed, a Quality Management Director’s Representative has been appointed, responsible for the organization and operation of the Quality Management System. This function is performed by Teresa Kordas, tel. +48 32 271 00 41 ext. 225.
